facebook Proven Strategies For Building Customer Loyalty in eCommerce
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Gulshan Chandan

November 29, 2023
  • Cabinets and Furniture eCommerce Solutions

Have you ever heard that loyal customers tend to spend a whopping 67% more than new customers on the same brand?

This also holds true for the customers of cabinetry and furniture eCommerce. It’s not just about selling kitchen cabinets or a piece of furniture—it’s about creating an experience that makes the customers come back for more. But do you ever wonder why some online stores have many repeat customers? Well, they have placed special strategies to earn their loyalties towards their brand.

It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about fostering long-lasting connections. So, have a seat as we dive into a world where loyal customers aren’t just buyers; they’re the lifeline of your thriving online business. Throughout this blog post, we’ll uncover strategies to turn one-time shoppers into loyal customers. Let’s get started!

The Importance of Customer Loyalty in Cabinetry and Furniture eCommerce

The Importance of Customer Loyalty in Cabinetry and Furniture eCommerce

Many businesses think that building an eCommerce store is enough and it will fetch them great revenue. But the foundation of retail and eCommerce are the same. You still have to get customers to buy from you while giving them a great customer experience so when the need arises they will think of your brand as their first choice.

Why Does It Matter?

Study shows that 60% of loyal customers shop regularly from the same brand and 93% of customers are more likely to make repeat purchases if they receive outstanding customer service.

In the most basic sense, when customers keep coming back, they aren’t just making purchases; they’re becoming advocates for your brand. These loyal customers don’t just boost your sales; they’re the ones who share their positive experiences, attracting more customers like a well-placed recommendation.

The Power of Repeat Business

Imagine this scenario: a customer buys a handcrafted sofa from your online store. They love it so much that when they decide to add a matching table, where do they turn? Back to you. That’s the magic of loyalty. Repeat business is the engine that propels your online furniture to greater heights.

The Trust Factor

In the cabinetry and furniture business, trust is the most crucial factor because people buy these products for a long-term purpose. Loyal customers trust your craftsmanship, your service, and your brand. They become ambassadors, recommending your products to friends, family, and anyone in search of quality cabinetry and furniture. This trust isn’t just good for business; it’s the foundation of a strong, enduring relationship with your customers.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive into the strategies that can transform first-time buyers into repeat buyers. 

Effective Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty

Effective Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty

Now that you understand the significance of building customer loyalty, the obvious next step is to ask how to actually do it. Well, we have crafted some exclusive, fail-safe strategies to build customer loyalty so you get the maximum out of your cabinetry and furniture eCommerce store.

1. Personalized Interactions

A study by McKinsey & Company found that 71% of consumers prefer personalized communication from businesses.

Imagine a sales assistant who understands your taste and suggests complementary pieces. Personalized recommendations based on customers’ preferences and purchase history enhance their shopping experience. It’s like having a knowledgeable guide, making the shopping journey more enjoyable and tailored to individual tastes. 

Send thank-you notes or emails expressing gratitude for their purchase. Ask for feedback and suggestions, showing that their opinions matter. These personalized touches forge a deeper connection and customers feel appreciated and understood which ultimately helps in building customer loyalty.

2. High-Quality Product Descriptions and Images

Your product descriptions and imagery are the factors that attract your customers’ attention at first. When your product descriptions are precise and detailed, customers know exactly what to expect. From the type of wood used to the dimensions and special features, accurate information builds trust. 

Imagine a customer receiving a handcrafted coffee table exactly as described—it’s not just a purchase; it’s a promise delivered. High-quality imagery allows customers to virtually touch and feel your creations.  Accurate information and captivating visuals instill confidence in your brand. When customers are confident about their purchase, they are more likely to become repeat buyers.

3. Create a Seamless Online Experience

Imagine your online store as a well-organized workshop—a place where customers can easily navigate and explore your offerings. Ensure your website design is intuitive, your product pages are clear and informative, and the checkout process is straightforward. A seamless online experience is like a finely finished piece of furniture—it leaves a lasting impression and encourages customers to return.

4. Exclusive Loyalty Programs

Companies with effective loyalty programs witness a 20% increase in customer retention.

Who doesn’t love feeling like a VIP? Introduce loyalty programs that offer exclusive perks to repeat customers. Whether it’s early access to new designs, special discounts, or personalized offers, these programs make customers feel valued and appreciated. Loyalty programs not only incentivize repeat purchases but also cultivate a sense of belonging among your customer base.

5. Leverage Social Media

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for expanding your reach and engaging with your audience. Showcase your offering on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. Share not only the final products but also behind-the-scenes glimpses into your workshop. 

Encourage customers to share their experiences and final looks featuring your cabinets and furniture. Also, it is a great tool to enlighten your customers about your latest discounts and new launches. Social media creates a dynamic space for interaction, community-building, and brand visibility so take full advantage of it.

6. Excellent Customer Service

When customers reach out, whether with a query or a concern, a prompt and helpful response is like a perfectly timed intervention. It shows you care about their experience and are ready to assist. Consider implementing live chat, responsive emails, or a dedicated customer service hotline.

Customer feedback is a valuable tool for growth. Actively seek feedback, whether through surveys or reviews and use it to enhance your products and services. Customers appreciate being heard, and their input can guide improvements, fostering a sense of collaboration.


As we wrap up our journey into building customer loyalty for your cabinetry and furniture business, let’s sum it up. Loyalty is like the glue that holds everything together—it’s not just about selling furniture; it’s about creating lasting connections with your customers.

Meet your ally in this digital transition journey, Technocrats Horizons. With loads of experience in helping businesses like yours in the cabinetry and furniture world, we get the ins and outs of what you need. Let’s shape the future together. Your success is our mission—choose Technocrats Horizons, where your cabinetry and furniture business finds its digital home.

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    About The Author

    Mr. Gulshan Chandan, Customer Experience Head of Technocrats Horizons Compusoft Pvt. Ltd, is the driving force behind the company's success. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he is on a mission to redefine what it means to deliver exceptional customer service. Mr. Chandan is passionate about building lasting relationships with customers and is always looking for ways to go above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction.

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