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July 24, 2024

How Much Does it Cost to Build an AI-Based Finance App Like Plaid?

Plaid is one of the most popular AI finance apps. The reason behind its extreme popularity is the personalized user experience and high-end security it delivers to its users. While navigating Plaid, you might wonder if you could have such a fantastic AI finance app. Of course, it is possible to develop a finance app like Plaid. However, you must use AI as Plaid is an AI-based finance app. From personalized suggestions to high-end security to automation, Plaid uses AI at every step.... Read More

How Much Does it Cost to Build an AI-Based Finance App Like Plaid?
July 22, 2024

How the eCommerce Industry Can Predict Customer Churn with AI

The eCommerce industry is growing rapidly, and so is the competition. You need to enhance your customer base to stay ahead in the competitive market. But what if your customers start leaving your application? Will staying ahead of your competitors with a small customer base be possible? No. It has only one solution, and that is to come up with innovative marketing strategies that could retain customers. But how can you know which customers are thinking of leaving your eCommerce... Read More

How the eCommerce Industry Can Predict Customer Churn with AI
July 18, 2024

Unique Features that You Can’t Achieve Using Website Builders

A few years back, having a website became necessary for every business. However, all people are not coding masters who can design and develop highly skilled and efficient websites. That’s why people find it challenging to create websites on their own. Also, creating custom websites would require a considerable investment, which small business owners could not afford. That's why website builders like Wix, Shopify, and GoDaddy were launched to address this challenge. Website... Read More

Unique Features that You Can’t Achieve Using Website Builders
July 16, 2024

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping EdTech Innovations

Is your edtech platform leveraging artificial intelligence? If not, then it's time for you to wake up. AI is not only today but also in the future. That’s why every sector has started embedding AI to stay ahead in the market. The education industry is not only growing at a faster pace but is also becoming competitive every day. Seeing such growth in competition, every edtech platform has started adapting to innovative solutions. And AI is undoubtedly one such innovative solution.... Read More

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping EdTech Innovations
July 10, 2024

How Much It Costs to Build an AI-Based Fitness App Like FitnessAI?

Often, one question arises: Has AI left any industry? The answer is simply a big ‘NO,’ as it is true that AI has conquered every single industry. AI has revolutionized the healthcare and fitness industry, too. One of the best examples is FitnessAI. It is one of the best workout apps leveraging AI in the fitness world.  FitnessAI allows you to perform all your workout activities from the comfort of your space without breaking the bank, from exercise and progress tracking to... Read More

How Much It Costs to Build an AI-Based Fitness App Like FitnessAI?