facebook Shine and Drive Case Study - Technocrats Horizons

Shine and Drive

Shine and Drive


Shine and Drive, an existing platform for car wash memberships, was struggling with inefficient performance and wanted to enhance both web and mobile applications to scale his business to throughout the United States.

As a company specializing in website and mobile application development, we undertook the task of enhancing Shine & Drive. Our solutions included making the partner onboarding process easier and streamlined, introducing a QR code feature, implementing a centralized system, and integrating third-party tools for the hassle-free expansion of the client business.

These enhancements resulted in improved finances, an increased customer base, and an efficient layout.

Shine and Drive: An Introduction

Shine & Drive, an established platform in the car wash industry, provides an unparalleled car wash experience to its customers. With meticulously enhanced web and mobile applications Shine and Drive offer a seamless and convenient platform for its customers.

With a primary focus on validating customers’ memberships at participating car washes, its platform offers dynamic membership plans (monthly, yearly) that come with a range of personalized benefits.

Case Study Image

Scott Halford

Product Manager

Major Obstacles We Overcame

We carefully analyzed the client’s aspirations for brand extension and migrating to a digital platform while doing a thorough examination of their operations and product offerings. Our solution was specifically designed to address the significant problems our client was experiencing and surpass their expectations.


The client was finding it difficult to expand his business and onboard new partners to scale his business.


We developed a comprehensive dealers management system within the platform, allowing dealers to create and manage different membership plans. Customers can easily purchase these plans and avail of the services not only at the purchasing dealer but also at any other registered dealer. This streamlined membership management system enables dealers to efficiently offer customized plans to their customers and enhances the overall user experience. There are many user roles such as dealers, members, agents, finance managers, and customers to divide the rights and responsibilities efficiently.

Problem & Solution


The client had trouble tracking the customer services availed through the memberships.


We developed a QR code scanner feature within the mobile app that enables customers to redeem their purchased memberships at registered Car Wash dealers. When a customer purchases a membership, they can just go to the car wash and scan the QR code present there with their mobile app scanner to automatically redeem the membership. The validity of the membership is then verified at the backend and the customer’s account and transaction history gets updated accordingly.

Problem & Solution


The client faced difficulties in managing data due to a cluttered and disorganized platform. As a result, operations were misaligned and lacked clear definitions.


We developed a data management system that redefined the platform’s hierarchy by creating roles with specific rights and permissions. This system ensured that each team member had defined roles and could access all the information relevant to their work. The hierarchy included roles such as Finance Managers who were responsible for adding new users to the platform. We implemented data processing algorithms that facilitated easy access, organization, and analysis of the client’s data

Problem & Solution


Uploading offers and plans to multiple groups was time-consuming and inconsistent, causing the client to experience delays and errors in their processes.


To overcome this problem, we created a multilevel inheritance system that enabled the admin to create one plan for an agent group and then add the plan to dealership and sales groups with a single click. This automation simplified the client’s work process and significantly reduced time-consuming tasks. With this new system, the client could offer consistent plans and offers across all groups, leading to better customer satisfaction.

Problem & Solution


The client faced difficulties in keeping customers hooked and providing short-term customized packs. This problem led to a high churn rate, affecting the client’s revenue and growth.


We implemented a courtesy pack solution that enabled service writers to create customized packs for specific users when their plans expired. This feature provided flexibility for short-term customization, allowing users to choose packs that suited their requirements, leading to better customer engagement and retention.

Problem & Solution


The client faced challenges in managing commissions and undistributed profits.


To address this issue, we developed a three-way commission management system that offered three commission types: add to base price, subtract from base price, and from breakage.

  • The first commission type added commission to the base price chosen by the dealership
  • The second commission type subtracted a percentage of the commission from the base price
  • The third commission type divided the cost saved from unused memberships of the user between the chosen parties

This system ensured a transparent and equitable commission management process.

Problem & Solution


The client had limited accessibility for customers traveling to different cities.


We addressed the issue of limited accessibility by introducing the concept of a global audience and geolocation. Customers can now purchase membership plans that can be redeemed at any registered dealer, regardless of the city they are in. This feature expands the customer base for dealers and provides flexibility for customers to avail services from any dealer within the network, resulting in increased convenience and customer loyalty. It also opens up opportunities for dealers to establish connections and partnerships with other dealers nationwide. With the assistance of Geolocation, customers can easily locate nearby car washes in any area.

Problem & Solution


The client was extremely dissatisfied with the outdated design and poor user experience of the platform.


In order to address the usability concerns, we conducted a comprehensive review of the website and mobile application, identifying areas for improvement. We then implemented enhancements to the user interface and user experience design, including redesigning the navigation flow, optimizing the layout and visual elements, and improving the overall responsiveness of the portals for seamless use across different devices and screen sizes.

Problem & Solution
Shine and Drive

Process we followed that resulted in improved finances, increased customer base, and an efficient layout for Shine n Drive

We followed a comprehensive approach to redesigning the SaaS platform and mobile app, including a discovery phase, UX/UI design, development, testing, and deployment. Our team provided continuous support to ensure a successful outcome and user satisfaction.


01. Wireframe

Gather user stories, sketch wireframe.

Frontend Designing

02. Frontend Designing

Create UI design prototypes.

Add Custom Features

03. Add Custom Features

Prioritize and add custom features.

Functionality Dev.

04. Functionality Dev.

Implement functionality incrementally.


05. CRM

Integrate CRM, test user flow.


06. Debugging

Continuously test and debug code.

Final Implementation

07. Final Implementation

Release minimum viable product on time.

Timely Upgradation

08. Timely Upgradation

Plan for and execute timely upgrades.

Want To Develop Your Own Solution?

We make full fledged customized strategies for the businesses planning to get started with the solutions and provide an excellent user experience to all your customers.

Outcome and Features

Our team at Technocrats successfully addressed the challenges faced by Shine & Drive, an existing car wash membership platform, and implemented enhancements that resulted in improved user experience and streamlined membership management.

Outcome and Features

SHINE & DRIVE Features That Are In League of Their Own

  • We delivered an improved user experience and updated design of the platform with enhanced navigation, layout, and responsiveness.
  • QR code feature within the mobile app for easy redemption and updating of transaction history reduced manual efforts and enhanced customer convenience.
  • Centralized system for managing user records, finances, and services provided by dealers, eliminating manual processes and improving efficiency and accuracy.
  • The new system resulted in enhanced data accuracy, better operational efficiency, and more informed business decisions.
Outcome and Features
  • With this new system, the client could offer consistent plans and offers across all groups, leading to better no discrepancies, and faster processes.
  • We ensured a transparent and equitable commission management process, eliminating revenue losses and financial discrepancies.
  • This renewed portal allows membership management where dealers can create and manage customized plans, track activities, and authenticate new users.
  • Our global audience membership feature increased convenience, customer loyalty, and dealer partnership opportunities.
  • The client was able to hook clients with courtesy packs especially customized for them.

Business Module

Our choice of technologies was carefully selected to provide a modern and cutting-edge solution for our client, ensuring that their SaaS platform and mobile app were equipped with the latest features and capabilities.

Our advanced website solutions that increased their business efficiency are built with:

Technology Used


Our client was thrilled with the results of our work on their valuable project. Our expertise in utilizing the latest technologies, and creating a seamless user experience to deliver cutting-edge solutions exceeded their expectations.

“I highly recommend Technocrats as they have consistently delivered exceptional service across multiple projects. Their keen attention to detail and expedient turnaround time has undoubtedly contributed to the success of each project I have managed. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Technocrats and I look forward to continuing our partnership.”

Scott Halford

Product Manager

Impact Image Shine and Drive


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