facebook Trade Chat Case Study - Technocrats Horizons

Trade Chat

Trade Chat


Trade Chat is a leading marketplace that provides a one-stop solution to meet the diverse product requirements of customers. As this marketplace had to connect a large number of traders, exporters, and manufacturers with customers, it was difficult for them to manage such huge operations manually.

They came to Technocrats Horizons for professional assistance to transform their mobile application into a dependable and seamless marketplace. We redefined the way internet marketplaces operate with a very unique and personalized approach.

Trade Chat - An Introduction

This mobile application has a wide assortment of offerings, across different price points. It has merchandise across several categories to cater to the diverse consumers’ journeys across the platform. It’s time to make your business organized with TradeChat and get rid of the daily struggle of finding different products from different resources.

This portal recognizes the unique needs of individual customers and churns out a variety of niche products. This mobile application provides customers with a quick and convenient way to shop for products without any hassles.

Case Study Image

Major Obstacles We Overcame

We assessed all of the significant problems our clients were experiencing that were impeding their growth. After thorough analysis and competent solution implementation, we completely transformed their marketplace.


The client was having trouble managing their customers and orders manually


Automated Platform: We created a digital platform where suppliers and customers can register, and suppliers can add multiple products. Orders placed on the platform are sequenced properly, and the suppliers have a clear vision of the sale & purchase orders. We automated the entire process to limit the manual input to the minimum.

Problem & Solution


The client was facing issues updating the rate list. As the updating process was long, customers were still placing orders using the previous rate list.


Instant Updation: We created a system mechanism where suppliers can edit the product rate anytime by going into the products section. Rates are updated at runtime, so if any customer is placing an order, they will do so with the updated price of the product. It removed any chances of confusion between traders and customers.

Problem & Solution


Clients find hurdles in providing varying rate lists of the same product to different customers. Rates are set based on the behavior of the supplier with the customer.


Client Priority System: We created a customized rates input system to resolve this problem. We provided three different rate input fields of the same product, which enables the client to send the selected product rate to the client. This way traders are able to pick and choose the product rates based on client priorities.

Problem & Solution


There was no data privacy of suppliers’ products and their specifications from the customers.


Privacy Option: We added confidentiality functionality in the app where suppliers can safely upload products that will only be visible to selected customers. Suppliers can choose from the given rates of the same product with different customers, and customers won’t be able to share their product rates, as we have prohibited the sharing features. The admin can send customized notifications to either all customers or selected customers in one click

Problem & Solution


The client was facing issues in bringing the traders and customers to the marketplace and retaining them.


Subscription System: We created a reminder and subscription plan to tackle this issue. We created a reminder message system to onboard new traders who had yet to download the app. For traders’ retention, we created a subscription plan- basic and gold. Gold subscribers had privileges like creating their own product category, multiple image uploading, profile view notification, edit product and rates negotiation, etc.

Problem & Solution


Some clients were facing issues in selling their products and needed assistance from other traders.


Broker Management System: We created a new profile for Agents’ who acted as middlemen between traders. Agents are responsible for connecting different traders selling the same category of products and compensating for the selling disparity among traders of different regions. Agents receive a certain percentage of commission for these services.

Problem & Solution


It was difficult for the client to manage the data of so many traders and give them clean reporting.


PDF Reporting: We created a system where traders can easily view their products, customers, and sales data through pdf. This system relieved the admin’s burden of reporting to different traders, which was a very complicated process. Now the admin can generate comprehensive reporting through a single click.

Problem & Solution
Trade Chat

Transforming the Marketplace into a One-Stop Network Between Traders and Customers

We use an analytical process to move from ideas to actions. We established a core steering group of skilled figures who are dedicated to resolving the client’s problems. We blend expertise with innovation, engaging in rigorous and targeted experimentation, testing, and learning, as well as creative thinking to develop novel solutions. Our unique tools let us concentrate on the greatest concepts and reduce the risk associated with their development. The outcome? We increase the chances of success for our clients.

Wireframe 1


Frontend Designing 2

Frontend Designing

Add Custom Features 3

Add Custom Features

Functionality Development 4

Functionality Development



Debugging 6


Final Implementation 7

Final Implementation

Timely Upgradation 8

Timely Upgradation

Want To Develop Your Own Solution?

We make full fledged customized strategies for the businesses planning to get started with the solutions and provide an excellent user experience to all your customers.

Outcome and Features

With a mobile app that is ready to use, this client was quickly able to bear the fruit of our diligence and technical prowess. The mobile app was heavily reliant on manual processes and evolved into a customized and scalable mobile app.

Outcome and Features

Have a look at how TradeChat emerged as a global marketplace:

  • A resourceful user interface that brings together concepts from interactive design, visuals, and information architecture.
  • Brush up, simplified way of finding a range of products based on the intuitive approach.
  • Distant customers will not face difficulties in approaching physical offices, and it will enhance their office to a digital platform with a good approach.
Outcome and Features
  • A see-through process that simplified the selling and buying for both the traders and the customers.
  • We delivered a digital solution that is automated and streamlined for mobile applications (both IOS & Android).
  • Privacy & Security of both supplier and customer is well-protected within the application.
  • Broker Management System – where suppliers add a person as an agent within the application, and this resolved the sales disparity issue.

Business Module

Our advanced Marketplace and mobile app
solutions that transformed their operational
efficiency are built with

Technology Stack:

Technology Used
Trade Chat


We were focused to resolve the major pain points of our client, and we worked relentlessly to achieve the optimum results. We also added cutting-edge capabilities to strengthen their mobile application. Our major concern is ensuring client pleasure and preserving long-term relationships with them.


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