All fees for your Projects, including those for your website, eCommerce, mobile application, web hosting, digital marketing, and other associated services, must be paid on time and in accordance with the agreed upon price (s). The pricing policy is flexible depending on the size of the projects. A special discount policy allows a 5-10% discount which is open to negotiation. Customers with whom we have specific and extensive contracts can make pricings in accordance with certain pricing Milestones decided by the operations team. Pricings for small or one-time projects must be made either in advance or in accordance with the parameters outlined in the invoice or proposal. Other than one-time projects, there is a fixed upfront fee of 25-40% and the rest is divided according to the number of milestones. Technocrats accept these pricing methods- via transfers, Razorpay, and PayPal. We charge a 6% commission on pricings made through Razorpay and PayPal. Delay in pricings will attract penalties or interests.